Before and After. . . Renovations so far

Dining room, before we began
Dining room, complete with lemon trees

Here are a few images to give you an idea of how far we’ve come in 2 and a half years.  We still have a ways to go, but our house has become “ours”.  I’ll move through the images based on the order in which we completed the work.

We moved in during July of 2009, but since we were only renting (waiting on our loan to go through), we didn’t want to start any major work.  We spent the summer cleaning out the house, pruning back vines and readying for our paint crew.

When the outdoor work was underway, we began by cleaning up the kitchen and sealing the pantry.  We pulled carpet out of the laundry room, which I still haven’t show you.

And then we started the big work.  Since the dining room looked as though it would be one of the easier rooms, we started there.

Library with window still boarded
Library finished

Next we worked on the library, though we still have yet to put in shelves.

Bathroom before demolition
Completed bath

Then we started upstairs with the full bath and alongside we painted the kitchen.  It took us a LOOONG time to do the bath because we had to remove crappy wallpaper, which was adhered with caulk and a soldering gun.  Just kidding, but it was put on eerily strong.

Kitchen, fall 2009
Kitchen, freshly painted

We stayed upstairs to work on the master bedroom and redid the ceiling in the dining room, not even a year later.  Then we began the nursery and finished up with the living room, where we are still putting final details in place.

Pantry in progress
Pantry, painted

We’ve yet to redo anymore floors except for the master bedroom, though we did consider having someone else come in and do them for us.  We are still debating what to do there.  Such a big job for us.

We still have yet to put up the chandelier in the living room and attach the mantle, though Bill has completed it.

Master Bedroom, with windows covered
Master Bedroom completed, except for ceiling fan and stencil
Nursery first used as our bedroom
Nursery with mural begun

Once those pieces are in place, he will begin our bookshelves!  I cannot wait to get all my books in place.  I feel as though we still haven’t moved in because my books are waiting patiently in boxes all over the house.  I’m not a hoarder by any stretch, nor a collector of anything in particular, but I do love books.  And, thankfully, Bill loves building and working with wood, so this will be a great project for us both.

While Bill is working on the shelves, I have yet to finish painting and stenciling several areas in the house.  I am also going to draft up plans for our garden.  I’d like to get some flowerbeds in place this spring, for once.

Living room, first week moved in
Living Room complete!

8 thoughts on “Before and After. . . Renovations so far”

  1. Karyn, I continue to be impressed and envious. Your mention of shelves for your library made me think of my own, and their being almost my only home improvement project I’ve completed. These certainly aren’t what you are looking for, but if some of your readers are interested in less traditional but easier shelving, here’s our shelf system. (from ISS Designs if you’re realllllly interested.)

    The thing that I love the most about the setup is that it’s completely modular so can be taken with us and easily reconfigured when we move. Plus, there’s absolutely no permanent installation- the compression poles have a spring inside which pushes against the floor and ceiling, and the shelves just ever so slightly rest against the walls, all of which holds them in place.

    The actual wood for the shelves we got for free from a closed department store, and the various cabinets I designed myself and hired carpenter friends to build for us. We’re really pleased with the whole arrangement.

    Love to you, Bill, & Will!

    1. Hi Kris, You will soon have a house of your own one day soon, I’m sure. 🙂 I can’t pull up the image you’ve shared. I missed this comment (obviously) and the image is gone. I’m sure you’re project was super cool!

  2. Karyn, I loved looking at your pictures! If you ever do want to come to Athens, please know you have a place to stay with us!

    1. Oh thanks Nikki! I would love to see you and your beautiful family. 🙂 The same is true if you’re ever in upstate NY. We have plenty of room and love company. 🙂

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